Chicken Broccoli Stir-fry


Chicken Broccoli Stir-fry

What you’ll need:

1/4 kilo of chicken breast fillet

1 bunch of broccoli
1 red bell pepper
1 green bell pepper

2 tablespoons of olive oil
3 tablespoons of soy sauce
1 cup of water

2 pieces of chicken bouillon
3 tablespoons of cornstarch
2 tablespoons of muscovado sugar

What to prep for:

* Defrost the chicken breast fillets
* Slice the chicken into strips
* Slice the red and green bell pepper into strips
* Break off the broccoli stems
* The chicken broth: Boil 1 cup of water the add one (1) chicken
bouillon. Wait for it to completely dissolve then set it aside

How to do it:

1. On a large frying pan over medium heat, cook the chicken until it is brown

2. Add the vegetables and the remaining chicken bouillon. Cook until the broccoli
is crisp and bright green.

3. Mix in the chicken broth, soy sauce, cornstarch and sugar. Let it boil for
two (2) minutes and you’re done.

Serves four (4) people | Best served with a cup of rice 🙂

Note on this recipe:

* I used muscovado sugar as a somewhat healthy alternative to white sugar.
Another alternative will be brown sugar, just reduce the amount to two (2)

How much did everything cost?

Chicken breast fillet – Php 129.79
Broccoli – Php 23.87
Red bell pepper – Php 9.52
Green bell pepper – Php 9.52
Olive oil – Php 128.50
Soy sauce – Php 16.00
Chicken bouillon – Php 28.00
Cornstarch – Php 22.50
Muscovado sugar – Php 117.50