Noodle Craze: Easy Peezy Spaghetti


Now you must understand this recipe comes with a warning. Not a lot of people have tasted this, only the people near and dear to my heart have eaten my spaghetti. I made this for the man in my life right now, made this for the men I had before as a sign that I love them already, and in return they’ve fallen in love with me even more. So you must understand, this has the potential to make people fall in love with you. This can be an equivalent to a love potion, please heed my warning.

My mom used to whip up this recipe when I was a kid and it would instantly make my day a little more brighter. Now as I got older, and got a little more experience in the kitchen she entrusted me with this recipe.

Now I’m sharing it with you, and hopefully it would make your day a little more brighter and hopefully you’ll love it as much as I did.

Easy Peezy Spaghetti


4 tablespoons of cooking oil (for macaroni) / 3 tablespoon (for sauce)
1 clove of garlic, crushed
1 bulb of red onion, chopped lengthwise
1 bottle of Banana Catsup
1 block of Cheese, grated
3 teaspoon of salt (for macaroni) / 1 teaspoon (for sauce)
2 teaspoon of black pepper
1/4 kilo ground beef
200 grams of Elbow Macaroni


Elbow Macaroni

1. In a large casserole, fill it half way with water then add 4 tablespoons of cooking oil and 3 teaspoon of salt and bring it to a boil.
2. Once it boils, place the macaroni and let it cook for 10 minutes. You’ll know its done, when a fork can cut right through it.

Spaghetti Sauce

1. In a large sauce pan, heat the oil then saute the garlic until golden brown. Saute the onions until translucent.
2. Add the ground beef and cook for three (3) minutes. If you’ll notice that the oil from the ground beef comes oil, scoop it out until there is no more oil present. Add salt and pepper and let it cook for five (5) minutes.
3. Add the catsup. Now there will be some catsup left once you’ve emptied the bottle, add a little water and shake it until you can see the inside of the bottle clearly.
4. Add the cheese. Make sure to it is well blended with the catsup. Add salt and pepper if needed, then you’re good to go.

Serves five (5) to six (6) people | Can be serve right away, but placing it in the refrigerator and eating it a day after would make it absolutely divine.

Notes on this recipe

1. I usually use spaghetti noodles for this, but unfortunately a lot of them were to many for group of three (3), so I opted for the elbow macaroni.
2. For easy melting cheese, I prefer (recommend) you use Quickmelt.
3. If you don’t feel like grating the cheese, you can opt to use your double broiler to melt it. You can also chop it into tiny bits and place it in the microwave for a minute.

How much did everything cost?

Cooking oil (Wesson Canola Oil) ——- Php 171. 50
Garlic ——————————– Php 30.00 (for 1/4 kilo)
Red onion —————————– Php 19.84
UFC Banana Catsup ——————— Php 29.00 (per 550 gram bottle)
Quickemelt Cheese ——————— Php 70.50
Ground beef ————————— Php 96.38 (for 1/2 kilo)
Del Monte Elbow Macaroni ————– Php 53.50 (for 400 grams)