Cinnamon-Caramel Toast


I’m not a huge fan of breakfast. I don’t think that its the most important meal of the day, to me lunch (or brunch) is the most important meal of the day. To me sometimes breakfast is such a burden, I just wait for 11am so I could have brunch. I don’t know, I just don’t have the appetite for breakfast. Sometimes all I need is a good cup of coffee and a simple sandwich, that’s it. So I made it my mission to find simple and not timing consuming breakfast recipes, easy to do but still yummy for the tummy.

Cinnamon-Caramel Toast

What you’ll need

2 slices of bread
3 tablespoons of butter
2 tablespoons of brown sugar
dash of cinnamon
butter for frying

How to do it

– In a bowl, put in the sugar, cinnamon and butter.
– Dip it evenly on each side of the bread slice.
– In a small non-stick pan, melt some butter.
– Fry both sides of the bread until golden brown.

Serves One (1) to two (2) people | Best enjoyed with a good cup of hot coffee . 🙂

Notes on this recipe

1. What we use here at home is muscovado sugar. It doesn’t have the same texture as brown or white sugar and it tends to build up once you mix it with the butter, so I don’t recommend you to use it.
2. If you don’t have any brown or muscovado sugar at home, you as always use white sugar.
3. Always make sure to keep the stove setting on low so you won’t have a burnt toast.

How much did everything cost?

Butter ——————— Php 50.00
Sugar ———————- Php 59.50
Cinnamon Ground ———— Php 42.50
White Bread —————- Php 46.00